Video Games: The Movie Trailer - Review

I am so watching this! To be fair 99% of what is covered I have already spent a good decade watching, what with shows like Play V...

I am so watching this!
To be fair 99% of what is covered I have already spent a good decade watching, what with shows like Play Value, Cinemassacre, Retroware TV, Irate Gamer, Pat the NES Punk etc.

However why not get more of a good thing?!!!

It's always a joy to watch retrospectives on the history of video games.
The memories come flooding back, I even remember the first time I played Echo the Dolphin was round my mate Dean's house and his mom made us sausage and mash for dinner while we played!
Or when Craig borrowed by SEGA Master System Speedball cart and moved a few weeks later not returning it!!!
Or the time my brother rented Crash Bandicoot from the store down the road and got so pissed off he snapped it and my mom had to go and pay for a snapped disc!
So many of our fondest/irate memories now have a gaming experience at the heart of them!

Yeah this is not going to be the deep personal insights of a YouTube reviewer making a video because they want to share their memories. 
Though it will still help to introduce a new audience to some of the greatest gaming experiences that I was lucky enough to have had originally. Even though it is now a completely different era, every kid should play NES, Genesis, SNES and 2600!
Yeah games have movie budgets now and actors doing voice overs.
The industry is a colossus that dominates pop culture, then again it always has been since we all had to answer the first question, had we played Atari today? 
So I recommend watching this, even if you think having to use your hands is like a babies toy,
watch to just realise that graphics do not always equate to game play!!! 

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